About Us
The Cairns-Port Douglas Reef Hub
The Cairns-Port Douglas Reef Hub is Coordinated by Dr Katie Chartrand and Dr Abbi Scott who are researchers in the TropWATER team at James Cook University in Cairns.

Our Story
The Cairns-Port Douglas region is home to a growing number of coral restoration and stewardship projects supported by Traditional Owners, scientists, tourism operators and the community who are deeply committed to a healthy and resilient Reef.
In the face of observable and increasing impacts from climate change, interventions at local and larger scales are a rapidly emerging element of active GBR management, prompting for new ways to coordinate planning, on-ground work, information sharing, resourcing and partnerships. Hand in hand with swift and considerable action to reduce climate change emissions, site stewardship and targeted local coral restoration can be one tool for building Reef and community resilience.
In 2020, over 30 individuals from more than 20 organisations and businesses participated in focus group discussions led by CSIRO and GBRF regarding Reef Hub design and development. Participants sent a strong message that while collaborations are already occurring, improved coordination and resourcing would strengthen momentum for reef restoration and stewardship. The general idea that emerged was of the Reef Hub as an open network of people in the region, working together, supported by a shared vision, a Coordinator, and locally-driven governance arrangements.
The hub model is based on an action-learning approach where a range of partners “learn through doing” and share lessons learned to improve collaboration and project outcomes locally and across other regions.
The Hub Steering Group and broader Hub network members designed the Hub, with the understanding that Hub governance will be reviewed regularly to ensure it aligns with needs and aspirations for the Hub moving forward.
The Reef Hub was launched with coordinators in place in 2022 and has been growing ever since.